Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM
Children come into State care not by their own fault but because of the acts and/or negligence of their parents and caregivers. Through our community volunteers, we provide critical advocacy and services to these vulnerable, at-risk youth, ensuring that their needs and best interests are addressed. No other agency provides this unique, critical service in Bexar County.
Judge Peter Sakai of the 225th District Court emphasized the importance of CASA’s role in saying, “The best way to prevent child abuse is to stop the cycle. Child Advocates San Antonio (CASA) gives these young victims what no agency can…..someone to speak up for them and someone to trust.”
The mission of Child Advocates San Antonio (CASA) is to recruit, train, and supervise court-appointed volunteer Advocates who provide constancy for abused and neglected children and youth while advocating for services and placement in safe and permanent homes.