Harlandale I.S.D.

Harlandale I.S.D.



About Us

Harlandale: A family working together to create a high quality education where all students graduate to become productive and successful citizens for the 21st century.

Vision Statement: Inspiring our students to be the change

District Goals: Provide staff development programs that prepare our employees to provide an exemplary teaching and learning environment. Foster a culture that prepares students for higher education and work force readiness. Effectively and efficiently use all district resources to maintain sound fiscal policies and practices. Create innovative instructional facilities that engage the evolving needs of our students. Embrace community involvement and effectively promote ''The Harlandale ISD.''

District Demographics: Harlandale ISD is made up of 14 square miles on the south side of San Antonio, Texas within Bexar County. It is a part of an Education Service Center (ESC) - Region XX area.

Total population: 66,814
Residential units within the district: 22,371
Student enrollment: 15,154
Total faculty/staff: 2,126
Teachers: 1,110
97.3% Hispanic
88.2% economically disadvantaged
100% of students receive free lunch
21st from the bottom out of 1,025 school districts in property wealth
Source: City of San Antonio Department of Planning & City Development

The Harlandale Independent School District serves about 15,000 students with two traditional high schools, the STEM Early College High School, Frank Tejeda Academy, four middle schools, 13 elementary schools, a facility for special needs and two alternate campuses.

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